Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Saturday morning

I love Saturday mornings. I love to get up early (I'm a lark, in that sense) and have an hour or two while the rest of the house remains sleeping and silent. By the time my two owls are stirring I am ready to don my floral-sprigged apron, roll my sleeves up and get to work because Saturday mornings are the time I clean my house. A couple of hours hard graft and  I can put down the feather duster, pack away the Hoover and start to potter. I walk down to the bakery for the weekend's loaf and croissants. I might pick up a bunch of flowers. And Saturday morning is my baking time, for it's lovely to start the weekend knowing there's something in The Tin. This week it was chocolate chip cookies, using Nigella's recipe from "Feast". The best Saturday mornings of all? They are the ones when Spring has finally arrived and you can fling open the windows and the back door and reward yourself with a frothy coffee, a still-warm cookie and a sit in the sunshine.


  1. ~ Hello...blog hoping over from lovely, Ada Bea..I just had to say here..It's the simple things that make the heart smile, isn't it...I have the same blue china from CK (early post) LOVE it....~ Leaving you with a smile :) and a new follower...Maria x

  2. Hello, just hopped over from another blog - sounds like a perfect Saturday morning. I love it if I can get the house to myself for a few hours on a Saturday morning! And we always try to have croissants for breakfast at the weekend - we all deserve a little luxury after all don't we?! /Niki
