Monday, 20 February 2012

Half-Term Stats

Cinema visits: 1
Pony riding lessons: 2
Good friends caught up with: 4
Rooms in the house thoroughly tidied, scrubbed and vacuumed: 4
Exhibitions seen: 1
Arguments over getting dressed NOW because we're going to be late: 0
Delicious lunches in favourite organic cafe: 1
Hours spent catching up on school work: 12
Cupcakes baked: 12
Rows of Heirloom Blanket crocheted: 5.5
Hours spent watching Rugrats: too ashamed to admit
Pottery painting afternoons: 1
Long lunches with the extended family: 2

The week whizzed by, in a blur of slow days. An oxymoron, I know, but that's how it felt. I'm sad it's over, but finally feeling more energised and positive. Still can't wait for Spring though!


  1. Wow, I feel like i need a week off after reading what you packed in.....which is loads!xxx

  2. Quiet, week then?
    Love Helen xx

  3. It sounds like you've had a good holiday. Thanks very much for your comment but I'm afraid the flannel quilt is definitely for me! Hen x

  4. Ahhh, Jo, I had no idea the comment was from you, aka Kitty's mum Jo! I've already had a request for another flannel quilt so I may have to start stockpiling... Hope you're all well.
    Hen x

  5. Glad to see there were no arguments in your household!! Was it The Muppets you saw?

  6. Makes me feel whistful for that lovely half-term again. All goes by too quickly when you're having a good time doesn't it.

