Friday, 5 November 2010


I love the Autumn festivals of Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night. They involve none of the major work and just-want-it-to-be-perfect stress of Christmas, yet they mark the passing of the year (and my favourite season) in a way I love. This year we spent Hallowe'en at the Winterbourne Gardens, where they had pumpkin carving, apple bobbing, mulled cider for the grown-ups, Edwardian servants sharing spooky stories and a hunt around the grounds for 13 black cats. The highlight though was the Gardens - the trees were aflame with shades of orange, amber and even deepest red. It was an incredibly beautiful sight. I've long harboured a dream to see New England in the Autumn but until that day comes, Winterbourne makes a good substitute. Later, when it started to get dark, there was trick-or-treating with little friends, then home to pumpkin soup, hot dogs and the gleeful raking over of goody bags.

Last night was Bonfire Night and we went, as we do every year, to our lovely friends. They provide fireworks and delicious bangers and mash and I take homemade gingerbread to contribute towards pudding. An evening packed full of fun and laughter, it was the perfect antidote to the drizzly, isn't-it-getting-dark-early gloom.

This morning I am awake first. I come downstairs and make a pile of recipe books, mail-order catalogues and previous year's planners. I settle down for an hour or two with this pile and a tray of tea and toast. It's time to start thinking about The Big One.....